The BEST vegan scrambled egg recipe you'll ever try

Here's what to do if you want to go plant-based but love eating eggs

My love for eggs was holding me back from going completely plant-based.

Before we get started, welcome to the 60+ new subscribers now following the Plant Path! We are now a community of over 1500 plant-loving eaters and I’m so happy to be your guide on this journey on the path the plants. Now let’s get to today’s newsletter. 👇

When I first went completely plant-based nearly four years ago (when 7 months pregnant, nonetheless), I had already been “vegan curious” for years.

I had worked through the common issues that come up when transitioning to a plant-based diet: Will I get enough protein? What about holidays with meat-eating family? What about desserts? What will I actually eat each day?

But the real question that had held me back for months before taking the jump was this: Am I really not going to eat eggs for breakfast?!?

For as long as I can remember, I had eaten scrambled eggs for breakfast. In fact, 3 scrambled eggs for breakfast for YEARS. I loved them, it was my morning routine, and now I wasn’t sure how to break the savory breakfast habit.

Like with all dietary changes, over time my tastes and preferences changed. I started enjoying toasts, then extravagant oatmeal bowls, and eventually liked the random plant-protein packed smoothie in the mornings.

But I still missed my scrambled eggs. And the tofu scramble recipes I’d tried were not cutting it, they were missing that eggy taste I used to love.

Then I discovered a secret ingredient that would take my tofu scrambles from ok, to f-ing fantastic: kala namak black salt.

Kala namak is a black rock salt from India that has a high sulphur content. It smells horrible, but it tastes AMAZING. And when sprinkled on top of tofu it was just like the slightly sulphur-y taste of real scrambled eggs.

So today I’m sharing my favorite tofu scramble recipe using kala namak (link to purchase it in the blog post, Amazon doesn’t allow links in emails 🤷‍♀️), and our go-to breakfast cast iron skillet potatoes with a summer spinach smoothie. Give it a try for a plant-based twist on breakfast scrambled eggs! 👇


The concept of breakfast food didn’t exist in the U.S. until the mid to late 1800s. In the 1600s, breakfast was likely to be leftovers, cheese and bread, or stewed grains. Beginning in the mid 1700s to early 1800s, people started to add meat and fish to their morning meal and it wasn’t until the late 1800s that cereals and other grains – as well as eggs and meat – became staple breakfast ingredients in the United States. (source)


  • DRINK IT? If you’re a healthy person worried about hydration, odds are, you’re getting plenty. But no one can say exactly what the right amount is. (The Atlantic)

  • CHEW IT: However, you probably aren’t getting enough fiber. (The New York Times)

  • KNOW IT: Researchers in Finland found that a healthy plant-based diet, regular reading, and regular sports activity increased children’s reasoning skills. I’ll venture to say this applies to adults as well, so eat some plants, read a new book, and move your body today! (Science Direct)

All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast.

John Gunther


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