Simple vs. challenge meals

Is it an easy night, or a night to challenge your cooking skills?

Is it an easy night or a challenge night?

When I’m making my weekly meal plan (which usually happens on Saturdays), I think about dinners for the week ahead in two ways: is it an easy night, or a challenge night?

Most nights are easy nights. I want something simple that I can whip together in 40 minutes or less, usually with minimal active cooking time (hello Instant Pot and oven-baked dinners).

But some nights I’m up for the challenge of making something a little more involved. I try out new recipes, or spend the time making tried-and-true favorites that take just a little more time and attention. This is usually 1-2 nights per week.

I challenge you (pun intended) to think about your meals in the same way. Plan for mostly easy meals that maximize time, but also challenge yourself to try a new recipe or use a new ingredient. This is how you continually keep learning!

👩‍🍳 + 🍲,

meal planning master

Simple Dinners to Try This Week 😌

Challenge Meals to Up Your Plant Cooking Skills 👩‍🍳


Cooking, like any skill, is best learned by taking action. Learning the basics of cooking techniques, flavor combinations, and food pairings is the foundation but, like riding a bike or learning to read, you only get better by getting in the kitchen and experimenting. Through action comes knowledge, which then you’ll have for a lifetime. (source)


Cooking is like painting or writing a song. Just as there are only so many notes or colors, there are only so many flavors - it's how you combine them that sets you apart.

Wolfgang Puck


I’ve mentioned a few times in previous emails, but I’ve been working hard on an exciting project and I’m ready to share: my existing meal plan club is being turned into a full-fledged plant-based cooking school, with a community, courses, and more!

And the big surprise: it will only be $7/month. Insane!

I’ll be launching first to my existing members within the next week, so if you’re interested in becoming one of the first students then join the meal plan club (it’s only $7/month!) and you’ll be the admitted to the school when it opens.


I’d love it if you’d be a peach and take 3 minutes to fill out this short survey about your biggest struggles in the kitchen right now. If you do, you’ll receive a FREE meal plan that’s usually just available to my meal plan members. 👇


If you’re not sure where to start with eating more plants and planning plant-based meals, give my Plant Path Planner a try! At only $7/month for weekly dietitian-created meal plans, you can try out 5-days of plant-based meals each week. Learn more!

A recent weekly meal plan


or to participate.