Here's your Sunday meal prep plan 📝

Plus the simple way you can prep that takes less than 10 minutes.

It’s Sunday, which means I’m sharing a Sunday meal prep list to streamline your cooking this week.

But meal prep doesn’t mean you have to spend hours in the kitchen, you can simply wash and cut your ingredients after returning from the store and that alone can save you time throughout the week (and extend the life of your veggies).

How are you meal prepping today? Reply back and let me know!

📝 + 👩‍🍳,

meal prep maestro


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Batch breakfast recipes 🥣

Take 10 minutes to batch breakfasts for the week.

PREP-AHEAD BREAKFAST #3 (portion out ingredients in a jar, then blend in the morning)

Prep-worthy salad recipes 🥗

Take 20 minutes to prep a salad for easy lunches or a back-up meal.

Snack + sweets recipes 🫒

Take 10-15 minutes to prep grab-and-go snacks.

Staple ingredients to prep 🍪

Take 10-15 minutes to prep these DIY staple ingredients to have on hand.

BATCH-WORTHY STAPLE #1 (make once for plant-based protein all week)

BATCH-WORTHY STAPLE #3 (serve with salad #1)

Make-ahead main dishes 🍲

If you’re feeling extra fancy, go ahead and prep one night’s dinner (about 30-40 minutes).

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.

Anatole France


Do you prep?

Do you prep your meals or ingredients for the week ahead?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.


Join me inside Veg Prep Club and get this week’s Big Summer Flavor 5-day meal plan with recipes, grocery lists, and a meal prep plan that’s printable or available on the app (where you can substitute ingredients and recipes).

If you’re already a member, your meal plan is ready in the app!


1️⃣ Browse all recipes. Browse all Fork in the Road recipes based on meal type and season.

2️⃣ Get my free 4-Day meal plan. Download my 4-day plant-based meal plan to start powering up with plants.

3️⃣ Start planning and prepping your meals. Join me inside Veg Prep Club and get access to my members-only app for ad-free access to all recipes and one weekly meal plan, grocery list, and meal prep schedule each week.


or to participate.