Boring veggie side dishes, no more!

Because no one wants a boring side of spinach (no offense spinach, I love you)

When you think of vegetable side dishes, what is the first thing that you think of?

If something like steamed spinach or broccoli is the first thing that popped into your mind, then it’s time for you to stop the side dish snooze fest and step into a fun, flavorful, and vibrant vegetable side. And I’ve got ten tasty ones for you.

🥦 + 🥕,

vibrant veggie vixen

Today’s brand new recipe

10 more unconventional roasted veg recipes

ROASTED VEGGIE RECIPE #5 (too pretty to pass up)

ROASTED VEGGIE RECIPE #9 (this is a fun one!)


Accepting your own mortality is like eating your vegetables: You may not want to do it, but it's good for you.

Caitlin Doughty


1️⃣ Request a recipe. Want something specific? Request a recipe here and I will add your recipe to my “to make” list.

2️⃣ Browse all recipes. Browse all Fork in the Road recipes based on meal type and season.

3️⃣ Shop my favorite kitchen items. I’m setting up my Amazon shop with all of my favorite tools, equipment, and ingredients. Take a look!

4️⃣ Get my free 4-Day meal plan. Download my 4-day plant-based meal plan to start powering up with plants.

5️⃣ Start planning and prepping your meals. Join me inside Veg Prep Club and get access to my members-only app for ad-free access to all recipes and one weekly meal plan, grocery list, and meal prep schedule each week.


or to participate.