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- Turn on the heat! It's officially oven season
Turn on the heat! It's officially oven season
These oven-baked plant-based recipes are perfect for the cooler weather
The temperature finally dropped around here! Ok, it’s officially 80 degrees and not pushing 100, but it feels like winter to me now – but I’m couldn’t wait to start sharing my favorite oven-baked recipes.
I’ve pulled together ten of my favorite plant-rich recipes that are prepped and popped into the oven. Do the work, then veg out on the couch while your veggies are cooking in the oven.
🥵 + 👩🍳,
oven veg virtuoso
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10 oven season baked recipes 👩🍳
1️⃣ Request a recipe. Want something specific? Request a recipe here and I will add your recipe to my “to make” list.
2️⃣ Browse all recipes. Browse all Fork in the Road recipes based on meal type and season.
3️⃣ Shop my favorite kitchen items. I’m setting up my Amazon shop with all of my favorite tools, equipment, and ingredients. Take a look!
4️⃣ Get my free 4-Day meal plan. Download my 4-day plant-based meal plan to start powering up with plants.
5️⃣ Start planning and prepping your meals. Join me inside Veg Prep Club and get access to my members-only app for ad-free access to all recipes and one weekly meal plan, grocery list, and meal prep schedule each week.