Get scrappy with food scrap smoothies

Use up your food scraps in a smoothie to fight food waste

Let’s get scrappy with food scrap smoothies.

Are you a smoothie lover? I have to admit I’m not a regular smoothie sipper, but when the craving hits I love to blend up a cup of frozen blended plants.

And while banana and berry and mango smoothies are the usual suspects for our smoothies, I also love to throw in the random odds and ends of any plant ingredients that might be about to go to waste.

Here are a few of my favorite smoothie additions to get scrappy with smoothies:

  • Celery greens

  • Strawberry leaves

  • The stems of herbs like parsley and basil

  • Leftover pesto (yup!)

  • Citrus peels

  • Watermelon rind (the white part)

  • Broccoli stalks

  • Pineapple core

  • Banana peels

Now it’s your turn to get scrappy! Try one of these food scrap smoothies this week, and reply back and let me know what scraps you’re using up in your frozen treats. I need your ideas!👇


While food waste occurs throughout the supply chain, a significant portion (around 40%) happens at the consumer level, primarily in households. Small actions – like meal planning, proper storage, and getting creative with food scraps – can make a big difference.


  • LEARN IT: Researchers studying food waste in the home found that the biggest factors were not having planning and shopping routines (meal planning!) and not feeling knowledgeable about how to prepare foods. I’m determined to help solve these issues! (Science Direct)

  • READ IT: A personal trainer and former bodybuilder shares her experience transitioning to a whole foods, plant-based diet while maintaining muscle mass (spoiler: you don’t need animal protein to build muscle). (Center for Nutrition Studies)

  • QUESTION IT: Marion Nestle’s regular series calling out industry-funded research continues with her breakdown of this study on the potential benefits of kombucha (Food Politics)

To me, it’s sort of funny that wasting food is not taboo. It’s one of the last environmental ills that you can just get away with.

Jonathan Bloom, author of American Wasteland


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