This is your permission to have a pizza party

How our weekly pizza night ritual evolved into a family favorite activity

The evolution of our pizza night ritual

I’m not sure when it started, but for years Friday night has been pizza night in our house.

It began in our child-free years with typical frozen pizzas that we popped into the oven to enjoy while watching movies and drinking wine. Then we tested out buying premade dough (Trader Joe’s has a great option) and cooking them on sheet pans, which took some experimentation but we eventually perfected.

Then during the pandemic my mother-in-law was visiting from Italy and taught me her homemade pizza dough recipe (I’ve included a viral video of this at the end of this email). And now I wake up each Friday morning and make enough homemade dough for everyone in the house to roll out and add their favorite topping, a family activity my 4-year-old looks forward to each week.

I tell you this story for a couple of reasons — one being that I want you to eat more pizza, preferably loaded with plants (ideas for you below).

But the more important reason is that I didn’t start off making my own pizza dough and making family plant-based pizzas. I started off choosing a weekly pizza night and then over the course of time this weekly ritual evolved into what it is today — a meal everyone looks forward to each week, experimenting with and enjoying plant-rich pizzas together as a family.

The takeaway: where you are today is not where you’ll be next week, next month, or next year. Take things day by day. The small changes you implement today will add up to big changes over time.

🍕 + 🥳,

pizza princess

P.S. What weekly meal rituals do you enjoy each week? Reply back and let me know what’s regularly on your menu.


The biggest pizza in recorded history was prepared by Dovilio Nardi, Andrea Mannocchi, Marco Nardi, Matteo Nardi and Matteo Giannotte in Rome, Italy, on 13 December 2012. It had a total surface area of 13,580.28 ft². Guinness was on hand to document the massive pie! (source)

But magic is like pizza: even when it's bad, it's pretty good.

Neil Patrick Harris


The one (and only) time I’ve gone viral is the below video, where I share my Italian mother-in-law’s homemade pizza dough recipe. And yes, that’s me in my pajamas.

🍕 NEVER BUY PIZZA DOUGH AGAIN! Italian mother-in-law approved sheet pan pizza dough recipe, coming in hot. #pizzalove #pizzadough #makeyou... See more

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