Hate tofu? Get ready to be converted

Actually delicious tofu recipes that you won't hate

Brace yourself, tofu naysayers…

Today's meal plan is all about tofu, and we're not holding back on the flavor – or the fun.

From sizzling stir-fries to creamy homemade cheeses (yup, made from tofu), I've rounded up a collection of tofu recipes that'll have you reconsidering this soybean superhero.

🫛 + 💚,

tofu temptress

P.S. I’ll be back with a “saucy” collection of recipes tomorrow!

Today’s Breakfast Recipes 🥞

A mix of savory and lightly sweet.

BREAKFAST RECIPE #1 (who needs eggs when you have tofu?)

BREAKFAST RECIPE #3 (did you try these yet? why not?!)

Today’s Tofu Recipes 🥗

Tofu recipes to pack in the plant-based protein.

TOFU RECIPE #2 (we made this one for dinner last night)

TOFU RECIPE #6 (use tofu to make a plant-based take on this common cheese)

Today’s Snack Recipes 🥨

A few nibbles to keep hunger at bay.

Today’s Dessert Recipes 🍪

A roundup of sweet things.

DESSERT RECIPE #3 (ok, technically not a dessert but it is a sweet treat)


Many Americans think of tofu as the original vegetarian meat replacement, but its role in cuisines around the world is far wider than that. Made from just soy milk (itself just soybeans and water) and a coagulant (usually an acid, salt or enzyme), tofu making is similar to making mozzarella, paneer, and other cheeses. Depending on how it’s produced, the final product can be creamy, firm or anywhere in between. Across Asia, it stars in both savory and sweet dishes, and often appears alongside meat rather than replacing it. (source)


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Benjamin Franklin


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