Bulk batch for breakfasts all week

Batch these bulk breakfast recipes for easy mornings

Are you a breakfast lover?

While research does suggest that people who eat a balanced breakfast tend to consume more healthful foods throughout the day, I’m someone who just doesn’t like to eat first thing in the morning.

But when hunger does strike, it strikes fast. And that’s why I love to have a few plant-rich breakfast options ready to grab-and-go to curb mid-morning cravings.

Below are a few of my favorite breakfast recipes you can batch once, and have on hand all week longer. A little planning and prep goes a long way for less stressful mornings!

🍝 + 🍲,

morning munch master

Breakfast recipes you can batch for the week 👩‍🍳

BATCH BREAKFAST RECIPE #5 (batch, freeze, throw in the toaster)

BATCH BREAKFAST RECIPE #9 (serve on top of coconut or oat yogurt)

Eco kitchen tips ♻️

ECO KITCHEN TIP #2 (we did this and now have a zero waste oil jar)


A study found that of people eating home cooked meals more than five times, compared with less than three times per week, consumed more fruit and more vegetables daily.(source)


Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland


What's your WHY?

What's your #1 reason for wanting to eat a more plant-based diet?

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I’d love it if you’d be a peach and take 3 minutes to fill out this short survey about your biggest struggles in the kitchen right now. If you do, you’ll receive a FREE meal plan that’s usually just available to my meal plan members. 👇


If you’re not sure where to start with eating more plants and planning plant-based meals, give my Plant Path Planner a try! At only $7/month for weekly dietitian-created meal plans, you can try out 5-days of plant-based meals each week. Learn more!

A recent weekly meal plan


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